Friday, March 11, 2011

Trans Media Overview

My Audio is being funky so I decided to just write about this one.

When I first began “playing” Collapsus I was kind of put of by the style of game play, only because it isn’t like a traditional video game. However, as the story line went on I became very interesting in the story line and the mechanics of the game. The reason I liked the story so much, is that it really addressed problems that we are having in this world today and raises important issues that we need to discuss as humanity. Additionally, I think that trans media part enforces the message more than a regular game would. As we see clips from real people and see them react to what happens in the game, it makes it feel like the problems could actually be unfolding right in front of you.
            Another aspect that I enjoyed was the news coverage. I think it brought the game together because it gave an overview from an international standpoint letting you know everything that is going on.
            As far as trans media in our class, I think that effect may be limited. For me, the way I approach my musical creativity probably will not change due to this class, only because I already have techniques and processes that are effective for me. I am however, interested in working outside of the music industry at some point in my career, and I think this class has given a good overview of ways to tell stories that I had not experienced before. 

Find the game

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